Nosocomial infections

// Detection & differentiation of human pathogens

Sexually transmitted diseases

// Detection & differentiation of STI

Periodontitis diagnostics

// Targeted & specific analysis

Respiratory diagnostics

// Identification & differentiation of respiratory diseases

Stool diagnostics

// Detection & differentiation of gastrointestinal pathogens

Clinical diagnostics

Given the large number of clinical pictures, a quick, correct and, above all, clear diagnosis with appropriate diagnostics is the basic prerequisite for targeted therapy for the patient and attending physician. The basis for medical diagnoses is the availability of suitable detection methods and, above all, their quality in terms of specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility. The products offered for clinical diagnostics are developed on the basis of current studies and specific requirements and are produced in accordance with medical standards (DIN ISO 13485). They can be used on all common real-time PCR devices.

CONGEN - Respiratorische Diagnostik

Respiratory diagnostics

A differentiated diagnosis of acute respiratory infections can initiate targeted treatment of the disease. The user-friendly and CE-marked RIDA®GENE products enable the rapid and sensitive detection of human pathogens.

CONGEN Produkte - Nosokomiale Infektionen

Nosocomial infections

Rapid and reliable diagnosis of nosocomial infections can significantly reduce the risk of the infection spreading and ensure that patients receive the correct treatment. RIDA®GENE real-time PCR products enable the specific detection and differentiation of pathogens.

CONGEN Klinische Diagnostik - Stuhldiagnostik

Stool diagnostics

A large number of human pathogenic microorganisms can cause severe gastroenteritis in humans. The RIDA®GENE stool diagnostics products can be used on all common real-time PCR devices and enable the safe and rapid detection of pathogens.

CONGEN Produkte - Hautkrankheiten & Geschlechtskrankheiten

Sexually transmitted diseases

A reliable diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STI) enables early and targeted treatment. This can reduce consequential damage to the patient. Whether detecting bacteria or fungi, the RIDA®GENE real-time PCR products offer clear results with high sensitivity.

CONGEN Produkte - Paradontitis Diagnostik

Periodontitis diagnosis

A specific analysis of the microbial flora in the periodontal pockets is necessary for the correct treatment of periodontitis. The real-time PCR kits in the SureFast® product range enable the rapid detection of microorganisms that can cause periodontitis. For flexible use in routine diagnostics.